Subtitles in WebXR

Subtitles display in WebXR / Cardboard presentation

This example demonstrates VR Video Controls and Subtitles support.

When in VR presentation mode. A virtual controlbar will control playback when selecting the display.

Subtitle text will display and follow head rotations.

    <div class="flex w-full h-auto my-auto">
          <div id="subtitles" class=""></div>
  <script type="text/javascript">
  	var player = jwplayer("subtitles").setup({
    "aspectratio": "16:9",
    "playbackRateControls": true,
    "plugins": {
        "../../js/vrvideo-8.20.0.js": {}
    "sources": [
            "file": "//",
            "type": "video/webm"
            "file": "//",
            "type": "video/mp4"
            "file": "//",
            "type": "video/ogg"
    "tracks": [
            "default": 1,
            "file": "//",
            "kind": "subtitles",
            "label": "English",
            "srclang": "en"
            "file": "//",
            "kind": "subtitles",
            "label": "Deutsch",
            "srclang": "de"
            "file": "//",
            "kind": "subtitles",
            "label": "French",
            "srclang": "fr"
            "file": "//",
            "kind": "subtitles",
            "label": "Italian",
            "srclang": "it"
    "width": "100%"